Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Why Efficient Irrigation Is a Must in Australia

In history, irrigation has been around for as long as humans have started growing plants. The first invention after man has learned to cultivate plants from seeds was probably a bucket. You can just imagine the archaic method of how people from the ancient times manually water their crops by hauling buckets of water so that they can water their plants. Fast forward to the 21st century and you'll see how times have drastically changed with the onset of more efficient irrigation systems and mechanized methods now available for everyone's ease and benefit.

In countries like Australia, irrigation is a widespread practice to supplement low rainfall levels with water from other sources to assist in the production of crops or pasture. Considered to be one of the driest inhabited countries in the world, irrigation is required in many areas of Australia like Tasmania and Queensland in agriculture. In Tasmania alone, a third of its total land area of 68,300 square kilometres is committed to agriculture. Agriculture is an important contributor to the Tasmanian economy both in its own right and because of other industries that depend on it. In particular, the manufacturing and service sectors that utilize farm outputs are very significant contributors to cultivate state products and increase employment. Thus, it is no wonder why efficient irrigation systems and irrigation equipment are highly in demand in areas like Tasmania and the whole of the Australian market.

In an average year, irrigation for Australian agriculture uses 14,000 gigalitres (GL) which is about 65 per cent of all water use in the country. However, this water is not used as efficiently as it could be. This is why it is important to use high quality irrigation equipment all the time. One of the companies located in Tasmania specializing in the distribution of quality irrigation and pump set equipment is Van Diemens Land Irrigation. Their products include pivots, hard hoses, travelling irrigators and other essential irrigation equipment to meet the demands of their Tasmanian market.

Irrigation methods in Australia have improved over many years allowing for more efficient production per megalitre of water used. Current methods include systems such as centre pivot irrigation, impact sprinklers, butterfly sprinklers, drip and surface irrigation. Common crops produced using irrigation include rice, cotton, canola, sugar, various fruits and other tree crops and pasture, hay and grain for use in beef and dairy production.

For large agricultural areas like those found in Tamania, centre pivot irrigation is best recommended. This is a method of crop irrigation in which irrigation equipment rotates around a pivot. It involves creating a circular pattern in crops if viewed from above when a circular area centered on the pivot is irrigated. Originally, most centre pivot irrigation systems were water-powered. These have then since been replaced by hydraulic systems and electric motor-driven systems. Most systems today are driven by an electric motor mounted at each tower. With all of these technologically advanced irrigation systems and equipment now available to help out the Agricultural industry of Australia, the country has now emerged as a major agricultural producer and exporter despite the limitations of its natural terrain and climate.

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