For a very long time, people have believed that consuming water is good for your health. And for a long time, people seem to strive to obtain the best quality they can afford in things they buy. Why should this be any different when it comes to water.
Water is a necessity to all forms of life, including human life. The body is made up of blood, flesh and bone. Some people believe that water is not just a beverage to drink, but instead, think it is actually a liquid form of life itself. Good, clean water is essential to healing and maintaining your blood, flesh and bone.
It is said that the perfect water for hydration is considered to be 'structured water'. This is not the processed water from your faucet and is said to contain a life-force and a higher level of energy. Its ph (potential hydrogen) balanced to about 7.5. This is close to what the body requires and it is clear and clean. Is has a larger caloric capacity, which may allow it to work, protect enhance and influence or energize the body. Structured water is a complicated area of study. Some say it increases solubility of blood, delivers higher amounts of oxygen and increases blood flow. It is said it may effect the biological process through Bio Photon Energy which may influence cell regeneration and growth.
We depend on water as part of having a healthy lifestyle. Life and health can be greatly improved just by drinking water. Water found in nature is usually alkaline. Water from the ground is often acidic. In further contrast, it is believed that structured water feels wetter, tastes better and is perfect for your body. It carries with it what is needed for life. Vitamins and minerals good for life is delivered to cells through structured water. It is believed that structured water molecules, as they passes through your body, will collect detrimental items they comes to, which the water will help to expel from your body.
Structured water is is a special kind of water that is found naturally in nature. For example, it can be found in clean mountain streams and in rain. Rain water may be the best natural source of this kind of water. It is good for humans. It is good for crops we eat. And it is good for animals - including those we raise for food consumption. Some say this water adds value and is used in the treatment of illness. And that it has had a major influence on life and shape of cells and contains benefits to biological events in the body.
Highly structured water is may improve life and health. Health benefits in plants, animals and humans are being claimed. For instance, some say it may provide a healthier life and a longer life for certain crops. Increasing freshness and agricultural crops longevity and useful life after harvest, and beauty and may have huge benefits for producers, shippers, suppliers, and for the buyer of harvested crops. Some cattle ranchers are saying they are seeing compound structured water's influence on cattle and livestock. Ranchers and feeders are seeing better feed conversions, weight gain increases, and increased milk production in dairy cattle. Highly structured water in animals and crops is enhancing liquid nutrients. Producers using structured water say bottom line they are seeing more pest resistant crops, higher nutrients, higher yields, great quality in crops and livestocks, lower costs and higher profits.
Highly structured water may offer great opportunities for farming crops, ranching and to man kind. The reader should investigate claims people in this industry are making, do their own investigation, and decide if claims some people are making are legitimate and if it will also bring them these desired benefits.
John Knipe is:
President of Knipe Land Company, Inc.
Accredited Land Consultant with the Realtors® Land Institute
Past President of the Idaho Chapter of the National Association of Realtors® - Realtors® Land Institute
Past Regional Vice President of National Association of Realtors® - Realtors® Land Institute
Director at the World Organization Land Federation
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