Saturday, December 31, 2011

Livestock for Sale - Beef Farming Industry In NZ

Lying in the Pacific Ocean approximately 1,000 kilometres from Australia is located the most productive beef farming industry in the world... New Zealand. With a long history of providing world class dairy and agricultural products, the beef farming industry in NZ was the first to have no protection from imports from any part of the world. This was a result of the removal of all subsidisation of agricultural and dairy farming operations in New Zealand. Although the initial reaction was one of concern, with fear that the country's ability to compete in the world stage world be detrimentally affected, the application of external pressures from an open marketplace has worked to strengthen the beef farming industry in NZ.

The need to keep the quality of the agricultural and dairy product at its highest, as well as reduce the overall operating expenses, major investments were made into productive capacities which has resulted in a dairy industry that is simply second to none. This is why the New Zealand economy has been so resilient over the past twenty years, weathering well three global economic downturns.

New Zealand's economy is heavily dependent on overseas trade, from which a high proportion comes from dairy farming and agricultural. The performance of the dairy farming industry in NZ is directly representative of the health and performance of the New Zealand economy in general.

There have been numerous advances in dairy farming production methods, aiming to increase the productivity of specific tracts of land with new and improved inputs. One of the major factors relating to the productivity of the farm is the livestock held, with the preferred breeds producing more milk, gaining weight faster and responding better to the fertiliser, soil and nutritional inputs that are now a mainstay of the farming environment. The type livestock available for purchase, therefore, has a dramatic effect upon the productive capacities of the individual farms and farming industry. As a result, specialist businesses have that deal in livestock sales have been thriving, with the demand from farmers for quality livestock for sale increasing dramatically.

These businesses work as brokers in the beef farming industry in NZ, working closely with farmers to access the breed of livestock that is required for the farming operation, depending on their size, geography of the land and aims of production. In this sense, these businesses that focus on livestock for sale become a business partner, who provide valuable advice and access to quality livestock... what the dairy business is built upon.

Kelly Livestock is the largest independently owned livestock Company in the Taranaki Region. If you are looking for cattle, dairy cows / herds for sale take a look at livestock for sale online at

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